The 20 mysteries of the rosary in Chinese.

歡喜一端: 天使向聖母瑪利亞報喜 (The Annunciation)


The angel Gabriel tells Mary that she is going to be the mother of the Saviour. Mary believes and accepts.

歡喜二端 : 聖母拜訪聖婦伊撒伯爾 (The Visitation)

依撒伯爾一聽到瑪利亞 請安,胎兒就在她的腹 中歡躍。

依撒伯爾遂充 滿了聖神,大聲呼喊說 :「在女人中妳是蒙祝 福的,妳的胎兒也是蒙 祝福的。」

Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth.

歡喜三端 : 耶穌基督誕生 (The Nativity)


Jesus is born.

歡喜四端 : 聖母獻耶穌於聖殿 (The Presentation)


Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the temple.

歡喜五端: 耶穌十二齡講道

(The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple)


Mary and Joseph looked for Jesus for three days and they found him in the temple.

光明一端 耶穌在約旦河受洗 (Jesus is baptized)

相關影片(Related Video): Trev Fonti

光明二端 耶穌參加迦納婚宴 (The Wedding at Cana)

相關影片(Related Video): Wedding Scene in Salzberg

光明三端 耶穌宣講天國福音 邀請人悔改

(The Proclamation of The Kingdom)

相關影片(Related Video): 保祿在大馬士革 (Paul in Damascus)。

光明四端 耶穌在大博爾山顯聖容 (The Transfiguration)

相關影片(Related Video): Mt. Tabor (Las Vegas)

光明五端 耶穌建立聖體聖事 (The Institution of the Holy Eucharist)

相關影片(Related Video):: 聖體聖事 (The Blessed Sacrament)

痛苦一端 耶穌山園祈禱 (The Agony in the Garden)

相關影片(Related Video): 橄欖山 (Mt. Olives)

痛苦二端 耶穌繫受鞭打 (The Scourging at the Pillar)

精選影片(Featured Video): 五餅二魚 [Five Loaves Two Fish (Tabgha)]

痛苦三端 耶穌受莿冠之苦辱 (The Crowning with Thorns)

相關影片(Related Video): 我們爬西奈山 (Climbing Mt. Sinai)

痛苦四端 耶穌背十字架上山 (The Carrying of the Cross)

相關影片(Related Video): 聖墓大殿 (The Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem)

痛苦五端 耶穌被釘死於十字架上 (The Crucifixion)

相關影片(Related Video): 原痛苦五端影片:西雍山、橄欖山、苦路(Mt. Zion, Mt. Olives, Via Dolorosa)

榮福一端 耶穌復活 (The Resurrection)

榮福二端 耶穌升天 (The Ascension)


相關影片: 介紹天主三位一體。

榮福三端 聖神降臨 (The Coming Down of the Holy Spirit)

相關影片: 介紹解釋七個聖事。

榮福四端 聖母蒙召升天 (The Assumption)

相關影片: Pontmain 聖母顯現

榮福五端 聖母為(天地之母后及)世人之主保 (The Coronation of Our Lady)

相關影片: Loudres 露德聖母顯現地